This Special Report Reveals Little Known Secrets On The Most Amazing and Powerful Program Offered By The IRS.

Millions of U.S. citizens find themselves at odds with the IRS. In fact over $300,000,000,000 (that’s 300 Billion Dollars) is owed to the IRS in taxes, penalties and interest.

Do they really think they’re going to collect this money? Personally I don’t think so! They know that many people simply don’t have the money to pay these old tax liabilities. But have they given up trying? Of course not!
Will the IRS just roll over and play dead on these old tax liabilities? Never! It would ruin their reputation. They would lose all credibility to collect current taxes. It would cause the entire tax system to break down. It might even cause the U.S. Government to cease to exist.

So it’s fair to say,” the IRS will not stop trying to collect from taxpayers who owe old taxes!” But how are they going to collect old taxes from the taxpayers that just can’t pay? We know they won’t declare amnesty, so they’ll have to do something else.

Well, quietly the IRS has been trying to solve this problem of collecting old taxes from taxpayers that simply don’t have what they owe. What they have been doing may surprise you! In fact, it shocks most taxpayers.

What would you say if I told you that the IRS has been accepting on average 13.5 cents on the dollar as complete settlement? I mean complete! They are making deals where the total of your taxes, penalties and interest owed to the IRS are completely wiped out. For only a fraction of what you owe!
So what about you? How come you haven’t been told about these deals? I’m not sure why your accountant hasn’t told you, other than maybe they don’t know about these IRS deals them. Most IRS employees won’t tell you because they look at this program as a give away deal and they personally don’t support it.
So it’s up to you to look out for yourself and see what’s available. These deals with the IRS are not for everyone. But if you qualify they are truly a once in a lifetime opportunity to get you back on your feet financially.

These deals with the IRS can take quite a while to negotiate as it not uncommon for them to take 6-9 months. But when you consider how long it took you to get into trouble with the IRS and how long it will take you to get out, 6-9 months is not a very long time.
The IRS has stringent rules for potential taxpayers wishing to present a deal to them. The most important one is that any taxpayer wishing to request a deal must have filed all of their tax returns. Now, I know that some of you may not have filed all your tax returns, but we can help you overcome this important rule. Some taxpayers can’t find all their records to file old tax returns. Don’t worry we even have ways to help you.
The bottom line is that having old tax returns filed is the easy part! Taxpayers that are in compliance with all the IRS filing rules then have to look at their financial situation to see if they are within the IRS standards for having a deal accepted.
Our firm can quickly review your financial situation and explain the IRS guidelines for having a deal accepted. This could be a huge turning point in your life if you qualify. Can you imagine how good it would feel to have the burden of the IRS off your back?

My name is Ash Boutros, CPA EA and I am a Certified Public Accountant and a Enrolled Agentt. I provide solutions to taxpayers like you who find themselves at odds with the IRS. Your IRS problems are unlike many other problems in life, which may in fact go away by themselves. Unfortunately, IRS Problems just continue to get worse and more costly with new penalties and interest being added each day.

I don’t know what the IRS thinks, but I do know that they ruin people’s lives every day with these ridiculous penalties. IRS penalties were supposed to be a slap on the hand to make you learn from your mistakes. But instead, they are used as a hammer to pound you into the ground so far that there are only a few options on how to get out.

How can you possibly get a loan to pay them off, when your banker won’t even talk to you? Federal Tax Liens prevent you from being able to borrow any money for a car or home.
dealers don’t care if you have a Federal Tax Lien, because they charge so much for the cars and usually have very high interest rates. Cars are expensive enough without having to pay 18% to 21% interest on a used car loan, but with a Federal Tax Lien you don’t have any choices.
The banks have gotten so tough on opening new bank accounts that anyone with a Federal Tax Lien is usually prevented from even having a simple checking or savings account. This makes it hard on some taxpayers to cash their paychecks or to pay their monthly bills. Often they have to pay more money and use money orders or certified checks just to pay their rent or utility bills.

Once you owe the IRS money, they become very aggressive in their collection attempts. One of the more common collection methods the IRS uses is the LEVY! They will use either a Bank Levy or a Wage Levy. If you’re lucky enough to still have a bank account, the Bank Levy allows the IRS to present your bank with a piece of paper that requires the bank to immediately withdraw all the money you owe the IRS.
Many times these Bank Levies are wrong, but the IRS doesn’t care and it’s up to you to correct the problem. Meanwhile, the checks you’ve written are bouncing all over town. The worst thing about the IRS Bank Levy is that it may capture your children’s, parent’s, or spouse’s bank account, if your name happens to be on the account. Even if it’s just on there for convenience.

The information in this Special Report will give you what you need to have peace of mind.As you probably already know, being in hot water with the IRS over payroll taxes is the worst. You want to look forward to running your company in the future and bringing home the profits you deserve. But if the IRS puts you in a headlock how are you and your family going to survive? Read on and I will show you how.

That’s business as usual at the IRS. It’s unfortunate that the IRS employee you’re dealing with now, or will be shortly, has no clue what it’s like to be in your shoes. Even worse they don’t even care. You know what it’s like to have employees rely on you to make payroll, even when you’re not going to get a paycheck yourself because there is not enough money to go around.
You’re going to have to first educate them on how your business works. I mean really explain it to them in detail because they just don’t understand. They can’t even fathom why you’re in business anyway. So how are they supposed to understand your unique business?
Or even worse, why should they even try? You see it’s easier for them to simply seize your business assets and close you down versus learning about your business.
You’re going to have to first educate them on how your business works. I mean really explain it to them in detail because they just don’t understand. They can’t even fathom why you’re in business anyway. So how are they supposed to understand your unique business?
Or even worse, why should they even try? You see, it’s easier for them to simply seize your business assets and close you down versus learning about your business.

Did you see the IRS hearings on TV a few years ago? Did you see what they admitted to doing to small business owners? It was sad to be an American that day. To think that the IRS does this to it’s own citizens. What about the stuff you never hear about? You know the little business that simply disappears? What happens to them and their families? Does the IRS ever lay off?
Well, from what I’ve seen the IRS doesn’t lay off. What they usually do to small business owners is liquidate all of their business assets and then come after them personally.
You see, they aren’t happy enough with just ruining your business life and all your employees’ lives. They have regulations that allow them to come after all your personal assets as well.
Just when you thought it couldn’t possibly get any worse they make a run at your family checking account and take every last cent to pay off your now old closed business payroll taxes! Talk about a raw deal. There is no other financial problem you can get into with your business that has such devastating effects on you and your family for such a long time. I mean, normal creditors either accept a lesser amount or simply write it off.
You know payroll tax problems are a hard thing to explain to anyone, especially when they figured you were making the payroll deposits right along. The worse thing is that it’s probably not your fault. It might have something to do with having too many cases to work on at once. They’re forced to close a certain number of small businesses to keep up with the caseload.
It’s not even close to fair. But that’s the way it is! I mean you’re out there trying as hard as you can to keep your head above water and now you have to fight off an IRS employee who is trying to close your business. You know, most people don’t try to get in payroll tax problems on purpose. I have never had a small business owner tell me that they woke up in the morning and said, “Hey I’m going to beat the IRS out of their payroll taxes”! No, it just happens.
It usually starts off with missing one payroll tax deposit, and then another and another until you reach the point where you get so scared of how much you owe in missed payroll tax deposits, that you stop filing payroll tax returns. It’s not because you want to, it’s just that you don’t know what else to do. The cash flow problem that caused the shortfall in cash for the payroll tax deposits was most likely caused by any number of factors. All of which are usually outside of your control.
I’ve seen small businesses get into payroll tax problems caused by all kinds of things. For example, your biggest customer doesn’t pay you on time; you get a bad check from a customer, unexpected repairs on business assets, bad weather, poor economy, a new competitor has totally changed the marketplace and so on. How are you supposed to control all these outside variables?
The answer is you can’t. You just have to do the best you can! Often the best thing you can do when you get into payroll tax trouble with the IRS is to avoid talking with or meeting with them yourself. Don’t let them talk to anybody on your staff. Their simple little questions are nothing more than a fishing trip in which you and your company are the fish.
The IRS employee assigned to your case would like nothing more than for you to be very scared and intimidated by the IRS overall and answer all of their probing questions. Questions like: Where do you bank? Can I have a list of all your accounts receivables with addresses and phone numbers? What assets does the company own? Where are they? How much cash do you have?
What is going in these initial contacts is that the IRS is sizing you up. To see how much money they can shake out of you before you know what hit you. Believe me, they don’t care that your receivables or current cash is already spoken for, they want it all, and they want it now!
What I learned a long time ago from helping small business owners deal with IRS payroll tax problems is that the business owner must stay out of the communications with the IRS. No matter what their intentions are for paying back the IRS, they should not be providing financial information to the IRS. Before the IRS employee speaks with a business owner, the IRS employee should be required to say “everything you tell me will be used against you in any manner I see fit!” At least the business owner might wake up and realize how serious the IRS employee is about getting paid in full, today.
Okay, you know you shouldn’t be talking to anyone from the IRS. So how are you going to get rid of them before they get rid of you and your business? The best and only way is to use a competent third party to represent you in front of the IRS. Someone who understands the seriousness of IRS payroll tax problems and can help you develop a game plan that allows you to keep your business.
This third party must take the time to understand you and your business, so they can formulate a workable deal with the IRS. You must work with the third party to teach them all the important facts that makes your business unique. Time is of the essence! If the IRS is already breathing down your back, you should act fast to avoid any unpleasant IRS encounters. Having time on your side is very valuable.

You see, the IRS employee is not interested in learning about your small business. They would rather liquidate your assets and close you down, than try to learn how you could pay off the payroll taxes with a little time. On the other hand, your third party representative would take the time to learn how you can pay off the IRS without strangling your business cash flow or selling off important assets. Your third party representative can also attempt to get the IRS to drop the huge penalties that all business owners incur with payroll tax problems. Any of these penalties can be reduced to zero, if you know how and who to ask!
The IRS employee assigned to your case is not going to be interested in discussing ways to avoid penalties. They couldn’t care less about how you got into payroll tax problems and they certainly are not going to help you get rid of any penalties. You must protect yourself from this type of IRS attitude and obtain a third party representative to look out for you, your business, and your family.

Running a successful real estate practice is tough! Many people think all realtors are on easy street and the money just flows in like a dam with a huge hole in it. They have no idea of the stress most realtors operate under.
Many people, including the IRS, don’t understand all the costs associated with being a realtor.They have no idea what it’s like to constantly be scrambling to pay for cell phones, MLS fees, printing costs, postage and auto leases.
The amount of time involved in successfully running your real estate practice is overwhelming.Constantly being on call to handle a client’s every wish and demand can be exhausting. Keeping all your deals together right up until closing requires the patience of a saint. Most people, and especially IRS employees, will never understand all the little details that you attend to on a daily basis just to make a decent living in your real estate practice.
In addition to keeping your current transactions on track and closing them, you have to constantly be looking for the next listing or buyer to keep your cash flow on track. With all these other objectives to consider it’s easy to forget about the IRS and taxes as you struggle and strive to be successful in your real estate practice.
Unfortunately as much as you would like to forget the IRS, the feeling is not mutual. The IRS knows you were paid commissions each year and that you did not have any taxes withheld from these commissions. You are supposed to be paying estimated taxes during the year. This is where most realtors’ IRS problems start.
It sounds real easy to pay your estimates, but when you consider the erratic nature of your cash flow it’s difficult at best. The IRS makes it even more difficult with its oddball estimated tax due dates. What was the IRS thinking when they decided to make an estimated tax payment due 21 days after Christmas on January 15th? Another IRS estimated tax payment is due on April 15th, a day that most realtors dread as they scramble to come up with last year’s tax liability. It’s bad enough in many cases that you can’t pay last year’s taxes, and now you’re supposed to come up with this year’s 1st estimated tax payment on the same day. This is where your IRS problems start to tumble out of control as you struggle with the growing pressure of what to do first.
Your choices are to file last year’s tax return on time and not pay the taxes you owe because you don’t have the money to pay them or not to file your tax return and wait for the IRS to contact you.
Unfortunately many realtors pick the second choice and choose not to file. In most cases they also fail to make their first tax estimate due for the year. They rationalize this because they also failed to make their last estimated tax payment from the prior year, due on January 15th. If nothing else, they are consistent and optimistic that the IRS will never contact them.
The problem with choosing not to file is that this is considered a criminal act punishable by one year in a Federal Prison for each unfiled tax return. Most realtors know it’s bad not to file their tax returns, but they have no idea they could be found guilty of a felony and sentenced to prison.
Let me share with you a recent case in Idaho. Two brothers were sentenced in February of 2000 for failing to file their income tax returns for the years 1996 and 1997. They both received 9-month jail terms (they could have received 24 months), and after their release the U.S. Magistrate ordered them to cooperate completely with the IRS and pay all their taxes.
What was shocking about this case was that the brothers’ 1997 tax returns were due on April 15, 1998 and in less than 2 years from the due date they have already been convicted, sentenced and incarcerated. My point is the IRS can move very fast when they decide to target you.
The best thing you can do as a realtor is not to make yourself a potential target. This means filing your tax returns on time even if you don’t have a penny to send with it. The IRS deems not filing your tax return a criminal offense while not paying your taxes to be a civil matter.
What can you do about late or non-existent estimated tax payments? As I discussed, the due dates for the estimated taxes of April 15, June 15, September 15 and January 15 makes it difficult at best to comply with the tax law. Realtors especially have a difficult time adhering to these due dates because of the problem of only getting paid when a closing occurs.
The IRS doesn’t understand what it’s like to finally get a deal closed, especially if you don’t have other deals in the pipeline that will close in the next 60 days. It’s very hard and scary to consider parting with some of your hard-earned commission check. Sure the money you just received at closing seems like a lot all in one check until you take into consideration all the time and out of pocket expenses that went into making it happen.
The reality for you is that you must live on that check until another deal closes and you know “that a deal isn’t closed until it closes”. Literally anything can happen between the day a contract is written and the closing date. You have to make your commission check cover a one or more house payments of your own, and the last thing on your mind is making your estimated tax payments on time.
Many realtors come from a salaried background and may have never paid estimated taxes in the past and definitely have never filed an IRS Schedule C for self-employment. Having to keep track of every expense is a long and tedious task for every realtor that is required to file an IRS Schedule C.
The IRS knows that every realtor who files a Schedule C with his or her tax return is now a candidate for a lucrative audit from the IRS point of view. Your odds of being audited are extremely high just because you have reported your income and expenses on Schedule C.
The IRS reports that your chances of being audited are 6-7 times higher if you include a Schedule C with your tax return. What most realtors don’t realize is that there are extremely effective techniques for avoiding the reporting of their real estate commissions on Schedule C. These techniques can reduce your potential for being audited to less than a 1% chance. I believe most realtors have never had anyone explain to them how easy it is to take advantage of these powerful techniques that can save them both money and sleepless nights.
Most realtors file tax returns with a Schedule C attached just like all the other self-employed people, which substantially increases their risk of being audited. Assuming of course that you have filed your tax returns in the first place.
Let me share with you five strategic secrets regarding how to end IRS problems:
Secret # 1
Avoid IRS problems by not getting into them in the first place. Sounds simple, but how? When it comes to filing your income tax returns, you MUST file on time each year regardless of whether or not you can pay the taxes due. No exceptions! Even if you have not made any estimated tax payments. Like the sneaker commercial says “Just Do It!”
Secret # 2
Consider incorporating your real estate practice and stop filing a Schedule C. Why would anyone want to file a tax return that was 6-7 times more likely to be audited than all the other taxpayers? If you incorporate yourself then all your real estate commissions would be paid to your corporation.
Your corporation would then be required to file a corporate income tax return and report all of your real estate income and expenses. There are all types of corporations to choose from when you’re considering operating your real estate practice as a corporation, but they all have one thing in common. The odds of any corporation being audited are extremely low and especially yours because it will be so small.
Incorporating your real estate practice allows you to become a very small fish in a big ocean full of much larger corporations. Imagine how small your corporation will look to the IRS when they are considering which corporations to audit. You’ll be so small it won’t even be worth the IRS’s time to even glimpse at you. Effectively you’ll have disappeared from the IRS while at the same time being completely legal and in full compliance with all the tax laws.
Secret # 3
Make some estimated tax payments. Even if you can’t pay the amount you know is due, at least pay something. Sure, you may be liable for a penalty for underpaying, but it’s insignificant as compared to completely missing the estimated tax payment.
Income from your real estate practice is inconsistent at best. It may never level off, so don’t sit around waiting for this to happen. Computing how much your estimated tax payment should be is never going to be easy or the same. Instead just MAKE yourself pay something, which will help you in the long run to end your IRS problems, or at the very least minimize them.
Secret # 4
Instead of trying to deal with the estimated tax payment schedule, you should send them one every month. Even if you had the money to make your estimated payments on time, the oddball dates make it difficult to remember when they are due and for how much.
Just take last year’s tax liability (assuming you filed last year) and divide the total tax liability by 12 months and pay in that much each month. If you have some IRS 1040 ES Forms, copy them and make some extras so you can stick one in the envelope you mail to the IRS each month with your estimated payment check.
If you don’t have any IRS 1040 ES Forms you can still send the IRS money without them. Simply write your social security number and the words 1040 ES – (YEAR) in the memo area of your check along with a letter and mail to it the IRS Service Center. This sounds really easy because it is. Even if you only get around to mailing in 7 out of the 12 possible estimated tax payments you’ll be miles ahead.
Secret #5
If you find yourself not filing or not paying or both, call a professional for help or at least a consultation. Realtors who try to solve their own IRS problems are just like FSBOS. There are some things in life that you can’t practice for, and dealing with the IRS is one of them.
Watching realtors wait until the IRS is at the door or levying their real estate commissions is an extremely difficult thing to go through. The emotional roller coaster caused by IRS problems coupled with the potential loss of personal assets and your family, is simply too high of a price to pay.
When the IRS starts to levy your real estate commissions, your broker is forced to deal with your tax problems and it becomes a headache for them, as well as common knowledge in your office. When the IRS files a Federal Tax Lien against you it appears in the public records for all your clients to see. None of these actions will help your career in real estate, in fact in many cases it’s the start of a realtor’s downfall.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this report, it’s tough enough to be realtor without doing things that cause you to sabotage your own career in the industry. IRS problems can be solved while you continue to do what you do best. Sell Real Estate!
I can help you with a step-by-step plan to get you back on track regardless of where you are in dealing with your own IRS problem. Just like a lot of FSBOS, some realtors believe they can work it out themselves and save a little bit of money. I can give you peace of mind, so you can sleep at night knowing that I am dealing with your IRS problem.
IRS problems do not solve themselves and when left alone they tend to get worse, not better. I would much rather help you solve any IRS problems you’re suffering from before they get to the flash point. Don’t put yourself in the same situation a homeowner does by listing his home when he HAS to sell in 30 days or less. We all know outcome of those deals. Call me toll free at (954) – 946 – 4142 for a confidential consultation to discuss ending your IRS Problems.

Life is tough enough as a contractor without having to worry about the IRS. Constantly looking for good employees or subs regularly takes up gobs of time that you don’t have.
Dealing with pushy customers, stubborn generals and slow suppliers is enough to make you think about a career in bartending.

Let’s look at what happens to contractors when it comes to taxes. I’m not going to bore you to death with facts and figures and a bunch of tax terms. I’m just going to tell you how it really is.
First of all contractors have not been trained in taxes, or for that matter in running a business. Most likely you worked for someone else and learned some type of construction trade very well before you went into business on your own. Now your construction business is growing as well as your IRS Problems. You know you should be doing something differently but you are not sure what

This is where the nasty part of the IRS comes in. If you wait for them to get to you, then you’ll be operating at a severe disadvantage. Like fighting Mike Tyson with one hand tied behind your back.

It’s easy to find yourself in this position. If you relate to all this, the rest of the information in this report will be of the utmost importance to you, your business and your family.

There is so much bad information out there about what the IRS does and does not do. You don’t know what to believe and what applies to you. Once someone gives you the straight and narrow, you’ll have all the information you need to avoid the nasty things the IRS can do to you, your business, and family.

Let’s look at the most common ways contractors get into IRS trouble and how you can avoid them.

I seriously think it’s a tossup regarding which is more common, not filing or not paying.

The reality is that both of these IRS problems are often found together. Just like where there is smoke there is fire.

Not paying estimated taxes is an easy way to start your IRS problems. The dates the quarterly estimated tax payments are due: April 15th, June 15th, September 15th, and January 15th make no sense.

These dates are not the end of quarters and some of the due dates are only 60 days apart. What’s up with this? No wonder contractors are confused as to making estimated payments!

If you can remember the quarterly estimated tax due dates you’re in the minority. Another confusing IRS calculation that often causes contractors to skip their estimated payment is how are you supposed to know how much to pay.

What happens is that after a contractor misses one or two or all of the required estimated tax payments for a whole year, they start getting scared that they owe a bunch of taxes and penalties.
Well in most cases they’re right. This is where BIG IRS Problems start! Many contractors decide at this point not to file their tax return on time or at all! Instead they start sliding down a greased shoot that almost always leaves them worse off than if they just filed on time and dealt with the fact that they owed some taxes for last year.
Unfortunately the due date of the contractor’s personal tax return (April 15th) is also the due date of the contractors first quarterly estimated tax payment. I’ve found that contractors that fail to file last year’s tax return also fail to make this year first quarter estimated tax payment and start the cycle all over again.
In order to avoid this starting point of IRS Problems, you need to discipline yourself to file your tax return on time even if you can’t pay a penny. Yes, it’s much better to file and owe, than to not file and owe. Let me tell you why!

No, you should not communicate with them at all. From this point on, we will handle ALL correspondence with the IRS and state. We do not want our clients in a position where they may incriminate themselves or give the IRS more information that they must have. If they contact you, politely refer them to us, your power of attorney.

The preferred communication method is email, so please check email often. We work as a team here at Total Tax Solutions; multiple members of our staff will communicate with you as we work on your case. You will be contacted only when important information is needed from you or action is required by you. You will receive an email (in some cases a phone call). Any time you have a question regarding what is required of you or would like an update on the status of our case; feel free to call our Client Management Department at 1 – (954) – 946 – 4142.

No. We will prepare tax returns and or documents for submission to the IRS. They will then be sent to you via US Mail. You will need to sign the forms and mail them to the IRS in a timely manner. Here again, time is of the essence.

Every case has its own unique circumstances. Our firm endeavors to complete each case quickly. Waiting for information from clients and taxing agencies generally create the longest delays. Depending on the work that is required, cases may take as little as a few months to as long 16 months or even longer.

YES. You will continue to receive notices The IRS computer will continue to generate the notices which are sent to you. We cannot stop their computers, but we can protect you from the threats these notices contain. You must fax any notice you receive to our office immediately. This will help give us the most current and urgent Information right away. Fax number for our Client Management Department is (954) – 946 – 4142 .

Many of the collection notices they send have deadlines you must meet to avoid additional problems; including but not limited to levies against banks, wages or other sources of income. Notices should never be ignored or put off. Fax any notice you receive to our office immediately

The Power of Attorney we require is for tax purposes only; it’s an IRS document, form 2848. It allows us to represent you and allows IRS personnel to discuss your tax matters with us. For your piece of mind, it clearly states “Form 2848 Will not be honored for any purpose other than representation before the IRS”· (Just above section 1, Taxpayer Information).

Fax all notices you have received to us immediately Call Toll Free : (954) – 946 – 4142

To achieve the best possible outcome for ALL of our clients, we make commitments to taxing agencies to win their cooperation. A major reason we are able to achieve positive results on behalf of so many clients is the credibility we have built with them by keeping our commitments. We will not jeopardize this hard-earned relationship on behalf of a client is non-responsive.